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A Haunting: Halloween Decorations for the Home

October 26, 2012

We have had these decorations up for weeks since Halloween is my second favorite holiday (Thanksgiving comes in first). Did you notice that I like the holidays that revolve around food?

I wanted to celebrate with decorations that were chic and sophisticated instead of cheesy and over the top. White pumpkins seemed like the answer this year. They blend with the decor while invoking the autumn holiday spirit. Oh and spider silhouettes – they work so well on the fireplace sometimes guests don’t even notice they are there.

I try to hold off on the exterior decorations until a few weeks before the holiday so my neighbors don’t think I’m nuts. Of course pumpkins and wreaths are out October 1st πŸ™‚ Spider webs and jack-o-lanterns will be coming out this weekend.

monogrammed pumpkins

Orange Chevron Skull Anyone?

We live in the city, but in an old established neighborhood filled with families so we get LOTS of trick-or-treaters (why are so many Halloween words hyphenated?) and some very creative costumes.

When I was little, after trick-or-treating my brothers and I would dump our candy on the floor, sort it into categories and gamble with it! Some candy was worth more than others – Smarties and candy bars (Butterfinger and Kit-Kats) were worth more than Bazooka bubblegum and Werther’s Original.Β  I think Black Jack was our game. I also loved candy cigarettes and Big League Chew, and I don’t gamble and have never smoked, so goes to show that you should just let kids have fun!

We will be hosting a pumpkin carving party this weekend and going to a Halloween party too.

Do you have any special Halloween plans or decoration ideas?

6 Comments leave one →
  1. johnny51 permalink
    October 30, 2012 4:22 PM

    Nice touches. Great instagram filter too, btw!

  2. October 26, 2012 3:14 PM

    So cute! I love the white pumpkins and that awesome skull! πŸ™‚

  3. October 26, 2012 1:58 PM

    Happy Halloween! I’m not a huge fan of it myself, but I do appreciate everyone’s decor. πŸ™‚

I want to know what you think, so please share your thoughts